Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baby blues--Help!!!!

Okay so I am reaching out to all of you for a little help. Since I came home from the hospital, I have been feeling really sad, happy, irritated, and an assortment of different emotions. I begin to cry for no reason and then I find a reason to be crying. (It kind of makes me feel better if I pick a reason to cry, lol.) So obviously this sounds like the baby blues but I have never had this problem after birth before. Another thing that is happening is that when I nurse the baby or pump, I get REALLY sad almost instantaneously at latching.

So here is my question, has anyone else ever gone through this and how long did it last. I am particularly interested in the sadness when latching portion. So enlighten me, help me understand how it affected you, if it affected you!

Thanks to you all!


Kristin said...

I had severe post partum depression with Christopher. I'm sorry to say that the only thing that eventually helped me was to go on medication for just a few months. It was only $7 a month and it helped me sooooo much. Let me know if you want to talk about it some time.

desiree said...

I had these exact symptoms when I was getting over my molar pregnancy. But it wasn't "oh I'm sad I'm not pregnant anymore" it was "I can't control these feelings and I'm going CRAZY." Crying, pissed, you name it... all over the map. I assume it was the hormonal issue that women experience with your same baby blues. Soooo, time are patience were the only medicines for me. As soon as my body realized it wasn't pregnant anymore... about 2 months later.... I started to feel "normal." Good luck... call anytime. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!!!

Julie said...

I had the baby blues with most of my babies. Most people don't end up with depression so it is unlikely you'll need medication. It's awful simply because it's something you have no control over!!! Being a control freak, that doesn't go over well with me. With me it usually only lasted a few weeks, with the worst usually being weeks 1-4 after the baby was born. After that there was some lingering sadness and hormones, but not too bad.

Not much I found to do about it except pray and just hang on till it was over! Having help helps, so enlist others to help you out with things. And get out when you can, sitting cooped up in a house I think makes things worse. Even if you have to go out by yourself for just a short walk while the baby is sleeping(since you can't put baby in the car.) Also, just let yourself cry when you need to and have Jeremy hold you and tell you it's all going to be ok, because eventually it will.

Kristin said...

Sorry about my last comment Nicole. I didn't want to make it sound like you have severe post partum and that you NEED medication. I just wanted to let you know that if you do find out that it has become a big problem I am here for you and I can offer some advice on that :)

Chelsea said...

I was in the same boat as Kristen; with Kadin I had such a hard time feeling happy about anything. I went on medication too and it helped a bunch. But so did reaching out to other people (good for you on already doing that, it took me a long time!), talking to my doctor and family. Let me know if you need anything or need a break (send your girls over!)