Monday, May 23, 2011

Potty Training Part 2

Following Amber Keller's recipe for success Sarah is almost fully potty trained. She hasn't had an accident for almost 3 days, except when Dad was watching and put her in a diaper, and seems to tell me when she needs to go.

All the credit goes to Amber for her amazing advice and know how! It is time consuming but it is well worth it. I still feel apprehensive so I keep her in a diaper when we are out but we went all through Costco the other day with no accidents and she told us when she needed to go! I am pretty sure she holds it as well because today she wouldn't go in the Dr.'s office but when we walked out and went to the Bathroom down the hall, not 30 seconds later, she went potty!

I will wait until I am not apprehensive anymore before declaring her fully trained!


Chelsea said...

Please share this amazing secret! Kylee seems like she is ready, but I've been apprehensive to start because it was so rough with Kadin. Any tips/hints would be awesome!

Riley's said...

My advice is Amber's advice...

Amber said...

So I'm a crappy blog reader, but I just now read this. I'm glad it worked out for you!