I am very thankful for my husband. We have been married 6 years now and I couldn't imagine what life would be like without him in it.
When we were first married I struggled with the idea that his job was and is as hard as mine but as I have been contemplating it lately I realized that it is. See I have had limited tunnel vision thinking that he works 8-5 comes home and that is it but then I realized his job is 24/7 like mine. He works his physical monetary job but then while he is doing that somewhere in his
subconscious he thinks about not only providing financially for his family but spiritually, and emotionally too. Though his jobs may not be as labor intensive as mine they are as mentally intense as mine are.
When I thought about this when he got up so early this morning, (which if you know Jay you know that 6 is unimaginable for him; Give him 8:30 and we might be in business.) I realized that men sometimes don't get the recognition they deserve. With that said, I am not changing my feminist,
independent views. I am simply
realizing that indeed as the proclamation to the family states, each man and woman has individual roles that are ESSENTIAL, to the family. This was a testimony builder for me and I am grateful for the revelation.
I love Jeremy with all my heart and I truly appreciate all of his
hard work. He is a needed part of our family. Without him we wouldn't be the same family. I love you babe!