Thursday, June 4, 2009

6 weeks!

I cannot believe that I am just about 6 weeks away! The dr. says the baby is small, not abnormally just small! At this point I am loving washing the baby clothes washing everything down, and just the overall small of a new baby!

This weekend I am going to go buy a diaper bag, pacifier, and baby wash! I hope this baby isn't allergic to smell like Taylor. At least with Taylor I could use the Aveeno baby wash that has such a delicate light smell and it didn't make her breakout. I had to use the aveeno baby lotion with no scents though all over her body.

This is when it begins to get really exciting and really annoying. Right now I just can't wait. Today I will pack my bag for the hospital. Shouldn't need much since my baby's come so fast but a few items we will need!

I am just so excited! No names yet so if you want to send an idea or two feel free!

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