Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Flu

I cannot truly remember the last time I had the flu. Well it hit me yesterday morning like a ton of bricks. The point in me sharing this is that death looked so appealing as I threw up in the toilet for the sixth time and it was so violent that it splashed back up in my face.

You're welcome for the little visual. I figure what are friends for? We are supposed to bear one another's burdens together right? Well there you go think of that for a day and when you need to throw up and all you have left is the bile in your stomach. Think of sweet, dear, nicole's bile splashing her in the face.

Have a great day while I bask in my flu ridden house.


Jason and Jessica Bills said...

Do you want me to bring over some starbursts? Then at least it might smell good as it is hitting your face :)

I hope that you get better soon!

desiree said...

I feel for you.... I had that two weeks ago and welcomed death too. YUCK! Maybe you should lay off the DP & Mt. Dew, eh? haha

Hang in there!