Thursday, February 25, 2010


At dinner tonight, Paige began saying, "oh crust I love crust, i need some more crust because it has wheat in it." Jeremy and I looked at each other quite perplexed and then I figure out what she means. BUT... not in time to stop Taylor from piping in and telling Paige as seriously and kindly as she could, "I have some crust for you. It's in my butt, oh wait no it's in my panties." At which point I just about spit out my food and Jeremy turned bright red with water and food dripping out of his mouth.

Oh never a dull moment in the Riley house hold.


desiree said...

Wow! (font size 72)!!!

East Coast Jenny said...

You make me laugh outloud.

Amber said...

Nothing to say except HAHAHAHA!