Thursday, March 11, 2010

Much better today..

So yesterday was a little bit of a rough day for me emotionally. Could you tell? lol Today is better and there are two reasons.

Last night as I was all tucked into watch my Bravo shows and feeling grumpy, two sisters from my ward showed up with a good old fashioned comfort bag full of goodies! It was so nice that they also entitled the card, "Mrs. Joan Crawford", as I had previously asked. This little outpouring was all that I needed as I now at this point had someone to have a fun conversation with instead of child talk. That little gesture seemed to make all the difference.

The second reason is because Jeremy's dad reached out to him yesterday. I am not sure how many people know that the reason I have been alone for the last week and a half is because my father in law fell from about ten feet up in the air landing head first onto concrete. With all the medical drama that ensues after a brain injury we continue to hold out hope for the little things and yesterday Jeremy had a special moment and today it has brightened my day as I think about it.

tony has been unresponsive since surgery on Monday. Yet yesterday when Jeremy walked into the room, Tony lifted his arm and reached for J and then was totally unresponsive again. He hasn't done that for anyone else so I feel that this was very special. I have a couple of theories as to why. I think that one major reason is that J is Tony's first born and the bond between parent and child is quite stronger then any other earthly bond. We have to work at loving our spouse, our children we love completely and wholly without restraint. As I have thought about this it has brought so much joy to my heart. Maybe it doesn't seem like much to most but for me it is the glimmer of hope I have been looking for and that is an answer to my prayers.

I always feel much better when I recognize the hand of my Father in heaven.

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